Florida International University, Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th Street, MANGO 540, Miami, Florida 33199-0001

Reach the Children Who Need You Most

Undergraduate Student Application Deadlines

Type of student

First Year


Transfer - College of Business

A/C 2024





May 13


Early Fall/Summer B 2024

Fall 2024


July 10

June 28

Type of student

First Year


Transfer - College of Business

International - Freshman

International - Transfer

Type of student

First Year


Transfer - College of Business

International - Freshman

International -Transfer

Type of student

First Year


Transfer - College of Business

International - Freshman

International -Transfer

November 4

December 2

November 12

Spring 2025

International Students please contact admiss@fiu.edu for admission related inquiries.